From Predictive Chemistry
Revision as of 09:47, 4 November 2013 by David M. Rogers (talk | contribs)
A simple SCF energy calculation on the input file start.xyz can be done with:
start en_scf title "Pople SCF energy" geometry units angstrom load start.xyz end basis # * library cc-pvdz # * library 6-31G* * library 3-21G end task scf energy
Running a geometry optimization just requires replacing the task directive. Here, we've also added a block of parameters controlling the minimization algorithm.
start opt_scf title "Pople SCF geometry optimization" geometry units angstrom load start.xyz end basis # * library cc-pvdz # * library 6-31G* * library 3-21G end driver loose maxiter 150 end task scf optimize
You can also use DFT rather than HF (SCF) by changing the appropriate keywords and adding a DFT block to specify its functional:
start opt_dft
title "Pople DFT geometry optimization" geometry units angstrom load start.xyz end basis # * library cc-pvdz # * library 6-31G* * library 3-21G end dft xc xpbe96 1.0 \ pw91lda local 1.0 \ cpbe96 nonlocal 1.0 direct iterations 150 grid fine disp vdw 2 end driver loose maxiter 150 end task dft optimize
Of course, we need to be able to specify the charge and total spin for most systems as well. Here's an input example appropriate for Fe3+ (5 spin-up electrons making up a half-filled d-shell):
start en_scf title "Pople SCF energy" geometry start units angstrom load start.xyz end basis # * library cc-pvdz # * library 6-31G* * library 3-21G end set geometry start charge 3 scf sextet end task scf energy