From Predictive Chemistry
Revision as of 09:30, 4 November 2013 by David M. Rogers (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A simple SCF energy calculation on the input file '''start.xyz''' can be done with: start en_scf title "Pople SCF energy" geometry units angstrom load start.xyz end ba…")
A simple SCF energy calculation on the input file start.xyz can be done with:
start en_scf title "Pople SCF energy" geometry units angstrom load start.xyz end basis # * library cc-pvdz # * library 6-31G* * library 3-21G end task scf energy
Running a geometry optimization just requires replacing the task directive. Here, we've also added a block of parameters controlling the minimization algorithm.
start opt_scf title "Pople SCF geometry optimization" geometry units angstrom load start.xyz end basis # * library cc-pvdz # * library 6-31G* * library 3-21G end driver loose maxiter 150 end task scf optimize
You can also use DFT rather than HF (SCF) by changing the appropriate keywords and adding a DFT block to specify its functional:
start opt_dft
title "Pople DFT geometry optimization" geometry units angstrom load start.xyz end basis # * library cc-pvdz # * library 6-31G* * library 3-21G end dft xc xpbe96 1.0 \ pw91lda local 1.0 \ cpbe96 nonlocal 1.0 direct iterations 150 grid fine disp vdw 2 end driver loose maxiter 150 end task dft optimize