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Revision as of 06:28, 10 September 2014 by David M. Rogers (talk | contribs) (Homework 3 - due Monday, Sept. 22)

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Reading Assignment

  • Algorithms, Chapter 2-3

Class 1: Formal Proofs

  • Complexity Notation
  • Rules - state assumptions, use logical operations on assumptions
  • Modus Ponens - (a, a =>b) => b
  • Modus Tollens - [(a ^ b), ~a] => b
  • Contradiction - (a, ~a) => Yikes!
  ex. from 1+1 = 1, prove that I am the Pope.
  A: The Pope and I make 2, but 1+1 = 1, so I and the Pope are
     one and the same.
    • Anything that proves a false statement is false.
    • If a then False => ~a
  • Induction

Class 2: Using HPC Resources

  • accessing binaries and libraries, using modules
  • using scratch space
  • submitting a job script
  • managing queued jobs
  • advanced scripting tips and tricks

Homework 3 - due Monday, Sept. 22

  • Coding Problems
    • Write a code to build a graph representation of what's inside the /usr/share/X11 directory on circe. Use (os.walk and/or os.listdir, os.path.join).
      1. How many directories are there total?
      2. What is the maximum depth, counting files and dirs so the depth of a dir with no files/subdirs = 0, and with any files/subdirs = 1?
      3. How many references are there to each directory -- node in-degree? (ignore symlinks)
      4. What is the maximum number of references from a directory (i.e. maximum out-


  • Problems from Algorithms in Python:
    • 2-4
    • 2-7 (write and turn in a test code for each case mentioned)
    • 2-10
    • 2-12